2007年卫理公会联合感恩崇拜及庆典 Thanksgiving and Celebration Service


感谢上帝,总议会所主办2007年9月2日卫理公会联合感恩崇拜及庆典顺利地进行。当天出席人数约 10,000人,崇拜从9am - 1pm开始,华人年议会,印度年议会,砂拉越伊班年议会,砂拉越华人年议会,美门残障关怀中心先后在崇拜中呈献赞美节目。 大会邀请YB Datuk Dr Maximus J. Ongkilli 致词,当天讲员华勇会督以创世纪12:1-7 《给万国之祝福》分享,约10,000人领受圣餐。

Thanks to God, the Methodist Church in Malaysia Thanksgiving & Celebration was held successfully on the 2nd September 2007 at the Malawati Indoor Stadium in Shah Alam. More than 10,000 people attended this special Sunday Service. The service started at 9am and ended at 1pm. Chinese Annual Conference, Tamil Annual Conference, Sarawak Iban Annual Conference, Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference and Beautiful Gate presented songs and dances to honour our God. YB Datuk Dr Maximus J Ongkili was invited to give speech. Bishop Hwa Yung shared with us a message – A Blessing To The Nation, based on the scripture taken from Genesis 12:1-7. About 10,000 of us partake in the Holy Communion together during the service.