家庭祭坛 Family Altar 7


Sister Chor Ah Moy and Family (including grandchildren)

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To see all the families who has taken part in the Family Altar programme, click "FamilyItems" either below or on the right side of the web page...

不一样的 Young


宗旨: 让时下的青少年人认识自己,建造自己,进而建立与他人的关系。

主题 : 不一样的 Young
日期 : 7 - 9 / 6 / 2007
地点 : 马来西亚神学院


特别座谈会 :

(一) 与青少年人共舞
日期 : 7 / 6 / 2007
时间 : 8.00pm
内容 : 了解青少年的心理与想法。

日期 : 8 / 6 / 2007
时间 : 8.00pm
内容 : 了解青少年的沟通障碍, 沟通方式及技巧。


特邀座谈会讲员 : 马锦华老师

若有询问请联络: 崇恩 016-2032276 宪敏 012-6017105

家庭祭坛 Family Altar 6


张金祥弟兄家庭 Brother Teo Kim Siang and Family

若要看其他家庭单位服事照片,请按以下"FamilyItems" 项目或右手边的网页...
To see all the families who has taken part in the Family Altar programme, click "FamilyItems" either below or on the right side of the web page...

家庭祭坛 Family Altar 5


林福强弟兄及家人 Brother Lim Hock Keong and family

To see all the families who has taken part in the Family Altar programme, click here.


The word Bible literally means "book". It is the book. It is not a single book but a library of sixty-six books, written over a period of a thousand years. But the experiences that are recalled, analyzed, evaluated, and celebrated occurred over a period of two thousand years.

The Bible, inspired by God, is both human and divine. Not only are the experiences a mixture of human and divine, but so are the actual writings. Oral tradition was finally put into writing, then edited and reedited, copied, translated and recopied; the whole process is a tribute to the marvelous inspiration of God.

When we speak of Scripture as being inspired, we are recognizing that the Scriptures were written by particular persons under particular circumstances. When we read the Bible and God speaks to us, we hear the Bible as God’s Word.

Cherish it, Meditate on it, Protect it and Bring it with you everywhere you go.

Taken from “Disciples – Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study”



当我们说圣经节是被启发性的,我们就是认同了圣经节,是由某一个人在某一种的状况之下,受启示而写下的。当我们在细阅圣经的时候,也正是神在对我们说话的时候 – 神藉圣经向我们说话。


关于我们 About Us


For more information about our various ministries, click here.
Click here for a brief video of our history.

主理牧师 Pastor-in-charge
万富奇牧师(博士) Rev Dr. Wan Foo Khee, Francis
手机 H/P: 016 - 776 9777

副理牧师 Assistant Pastor
彭慧玲牧师 Rev. Pang Hui Ling, Jessie
手机 H/P: 016 - 262 1109

配属传道 Pastor
吴慧芬传道(博士) Pas. Dr. Elaine Goh Wei Fun
手机 H/P: 012 - 381 5096

青年事工干事 Youth Ministry Director
陈珮敏干事 Ms. Tan Pei Min
手机 H/P: 016 - 377 8164

教会地址 Church Location (View Map)
芙蓉基督教卫理公会 Seremban Chinese Methodist Church
Jalan Lintang, 70000 Seremban, N.S. Malaysia
午间崇拜 Noon Service: 周日 Sunday 1 p.m.
晚间崇拜 Evening Service: 周日 Sunday 7 p.m.

办公室/智慧书苑/培训中心地址 Office, Library, Training Centre (View Map)
299, Jalan Tan Sri Manickavasagam,
70200 Seremban, N.S. Malaysia
电话 Tel: 06-7622935 / 06-7622085
传真 Fax: 06-7647657

晏斗布道所 Rantau Chapel (View Map)
Rumah Methodist Rantau,
141, Taman Pasir Mas,
71200 Rantau, N.S. Malaysia

船头卫理美会布道所 Pengkalan Kempas Chapel (View Map)
Gereja Methodist Pengkalan Kempas,
Lot 2186, Pengkalan Kempas,
71150 Port Dickson, N.S. Malaysia
崇拜时间 Worship Time: 每月第二及第四个周日 Every 2nd & 4th Sunday 9.30 am

芭蕾卫理荣耀布道所 Paroi Chapel (View Map)
Rumah Methodist Paroi
200, Kampung Baru Paroi,
70400 Paroi, N.S. Malaysia
崇拜时间 Worship Time: 周日 Sunday 9.00 am

达城以勒卫理公会 Sri Sendayan Chapel (View Map)
Gereja Methodist Cina Bandar Sri Sendayan
234, Jalan PDS 3/4, Sendayan Merchant Square,
71950 Seremban, N.S. Malaysia
崇拜时间 Worship Time: 周六 Saturday 6.00 pm

芙蓉卫理公会憩苑 (安老院) Methodist Seniors Home (View Map)
306, Jalan Tan Sri Manickavasagam,
70200 Seremban, N.S. Malaysia

芙蓉卫理青年中心 Methodist Youth Center (View Map)
305, Jalan Tan Sri Manickavasagam,
70200 Seremban, N.S. Malaysia

Pengkalan Kempas Chapel Education Centre (View Map)
Gereja Methodist Pengkalan Kempas,
Lot 2186, Pengkalan Kempas,
71150 Port Dickson, N.S. Malaysia

Email: blog@serembancmc.org
Whatsapp: ‪+6011 6244 2935‬
Facebook: 芙蓉基督教卫理公会 Chinese Methodist Church Seremban
Instagram: 芙蓉基督教卫理公会 Chinese Methodist Church Seremban

崇拜后的爱宴 Lunch after church service

从这一天开始(04/03/2007),每一个月的第一个礼拜天主日崇拜后,教会将会供应午餐给弟兄姐妹。这爱宴能让弟兄姐妹留下来和其他的弟兄姐妹有交流的时间。因为当崇拜散会后,弟兄姐妹多数都会赶着吃午餐。芙蓉堂是个大家庭的教会,所以我们希望安排这爱宴能让弟兄姐妹有更多交流的时间。为了有足够的空间让弟兄姐妹交流,实践“圣徒相通”生活,我们分开两个地点来让弟兄姐妹交流--副堂楼下及学校 食堂。

(04/03/2007) Starting today, lunch will be provided after church service on the first Sunday of each month. We are doing this to give our members a chance to stay back after church and enjoy a time of fellowship. Because of our worship time, most members have to rush off after worship to get lunch. Seremban Chinese Methodist Church is a big family and we pray that this arrangement will give us the opportunity to spent more time with each other and get to know one another better as members of the Seremban CMC family. To make sure that we have enough room for everyone, we had to lay out the food over 2 different places - the church basement and the school canteen.

家庭祭坛 Family Altar 4


魏文明弟兄及家人 Brother Gwee Boon Meng and family

Click here to see all the families who has taken part in the Family Altar programme.