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Good News! Good News! Our Website URL has changed to www.serembancmc.org. Thank you for your support. Please feel free to drop by next time for more information on our church's activities.

乐龄新年捞生宴 MSF Chinese New Year Dinner


(More pictures here)

24th February is the seventh day of Chinese New Year, also known as the "birthday of all humans" in Chinese. The Methodist Senior Fellowship (MSF) held a dinner for church members at the Methodist Seniors Home. Bro. Gwee Boon Huat led the praise and worship followed by a welcome speech given by the President of MSF, Sis. Tang Yew Ying. Rev. Chu said grace for the food before dinner. Even though there was a heavy down pour on that evening, everyone had a great time.

新年感恩崇拜 Chinese New Year Thanksgiving Service 18/02/3007


(More photos here and here...)


新年感恩崇拜准时于上午10时开始,领会张金祥弟兄宣召(诗篇 1031-5)后,林福强弟兄带领诗歌敬拜。过后,妇女会和成年团先后献唱“主赐福如春雨”和“耶和华是我的牧者”诗歌。王丽星姐妹带领会众诵读证道经文(腓立比书 29-11)后,周隆捷牧师开始证道,张伟善弟兄传译粤语。周牧师以“基督为我家之主”为题,并解释“基督为我家之主”意思有四方面,即“我家以基督为主”、“我家需要基督”、“我家活出基督的角色”、以及“我家建造家庭祭坛”。周牧师结论时,点出“基督为我家之主”能为家庭带来以下种种祝福:

  • 能培育每个家庭成员属灵生命成长
  • 是改变社会国家的关键
  • 是布道宣教的据点。
  • 是上帝托付给每一个基督徒夫妇无可推诿的重大使命。
  • 才能面对撒旦、世界、肉体的属灵争战。
  • 能帮助儿女建立关系与好的习惯。
  • 得以彰显上帝的荣耀



Today is the first day of Chinese New Year,the day when most Chinese people are busy visiting their friends and relatives, or having a reunion meal with their family members. However, a group of Christians gathered at Min Kok Restaurant this morning to join our Chinese New Year Thanksgiving Service. Everybody brought a broad smile and a joyful heart to worship our Lord Jesus Christ.

At 10 o'clock Bro Teo Kim Siang started the service by reading Psalm 103, and Bro Lim Hock Keong led the praise and worship. The praise and worship continued with a dance from a group of ladies from the Woman Fellowship, followed by a song titled "Jehovah Is My Shepherd" sung by Adult Fellowship members.

The sermon Rev Chu shared with us this morning was called "Christ Is The Lord Of My House" referred to the scripture taken from Philippians 2:9-11.

Rev Chu elaborated,
  • When a Christian family declared that "Christ Is The Lord Of My House", this family have submitted everything to God, believing that He is the "Source of Blessing".
  • When a Christian family declared that "Christ Is The Lord Of My House", this family have stated that they thank the Lord as the Saviour of their lives, and the grace given to them.
  • When a Christian family declared that "Christ Is The Lord Of My House", this family have shown the different roles of Christ:
  • When a Christian family declared that "Christ Is The Lord Of My House", this family have to build a "Family Altar". Family altar is the foundation of the concept "Christ Is The Lord Of My House". It is the spiritual fortress of a family.
After the sermon, Bro Lee Keat Pau and his family took part in the Family Altar programme. They presented a song titled "Love Our Family" . Rev Chu also say a prayer of blessing for this family.
After that we sang some New Year songs together. Everyone was given 2 mandarin oranges before leaving.

祝福的华人农历新年 Blessed Chinese New Year

Wishing you a Blessed New Year

18/02/2007 上午10时,我们的教会 - 芙蓉基督教卫理公会的新年感恩礼拜假芙蓉明阁酒家进行。
Our Chinese New Year Thanksgiving Service will be held in Min Kok Restaurant at 10 am on Sunday 18/02/2007
See you there...

特别报导2:有话直说,讲述社会现象 Special Report 2 : Speak Up, Christians!



(15 February 2007, Thursday) Chinese New Year is just around the corner, the demand of goods for the celebration is increasing. However, through China Press' Negeri Today, we see a hypermarket has treated its customer unjustly. Our Local Church Executive Committee (LCEC) Chairman Bro. Teo Kim Siang has urge government agencies to protect the rights of consumers. He has pointed out, in a free trading society, everyone has the right to transact. As Christians, we should speak up when we see injustice, just like Bro. Kim Siang.

以下是采纳报章文章 Following is the article from the newspaper:

周隆捷牧师及家庭 Rev.Chu and family

More pictures here.



(11th February 07,Sunday) There was an article on Sin Chew Daily Negeri Sembilan Edition about a 73-year-old vendor who donated some merchandise in order to help an underprivileged family. That vendor is one of our church members, Brother Ong Kim Hwa. In our society today, many are in need, but there are not many who would offer a hand. “Somebody else will help them, I'm nobody, my small donation is no help at all.” Such pessimistic idea is so uncool!! One should do whatever is in one's power for those who are in need, just like Brother Ong.

以下是采纳报章文章 Following is the article from the newspaper:

福财弟兄家庭 Bro. Hock Chye's Family



Today (11 February, 2007), Bro. Lim Hock Chye and his family presented a song during Sunday Service. This is part of our Family Altar programme to encourage families to worship and serve God together.

家庭祭坛 Family Altar



(4th Feb 2007) Today, during Sunday Worship, Rev Chu had shared with us about family altar. Family altar is a time when all the members of a family worship God together. Where or when is not an important issue, the point is spending quality time together. It can be held once a week or even once a month, in a very simple way - it can be started by playing a game, singing songs of praise, reading the Bible, sharing and praying together, then it can end with the family having supper together. The objective of building a family altar is to bind a family together through Christ. Before the end of the sermon, Rev Chu and his family presented a song, titled "God is My Strength". He said this is only the beginning, and next week, Bro. Lim Hock Chye's family will also sing praises to the Lord during the Noon Sunday Service and there will be a family serving God in this area every week thereon.

憩苑的历史 Short History of Methodist Seniors Home


This is a short video on the history of Methodist Seniors Home (MSH).


The dedication ceremony for MSH was held on 01/04/2006. The ceremony was officiated by Bishop Hwa Yung (Bishop of the Methodist Church in Malaysia) and Rev Boh Che Suan (President of Chinese Annual Conference, Methodist Church in Malaysia). The dedication ceremony was followed by a Thanksgiving Dinner in Min Kok Restaurant. Both the events were also attended by Datuk Peter Lai (State Exco member of Negeri Sembilan).


Methodist Seniors Home was formed to provide the senior citizens with an environment conducive for community living and, at the same time, caring for their health and quality of life. It is part of the community service efforts of Seremban Chinese Methodist Church.

Tabblo: Methodist Seniors Home - A Photo Tour

Address of Methodist Seniors Home (View Map)
306, Jalan Tan Sri Manickavasagam,
70200 Seremban, N.S. Malaysia