6/10/2006晚上8时正,大约有80位的弟兄姐妹聚集憩苑一起赏月、唱歌赞美神、练习赞美操、一起玩耍、一起吃月饼、和一起提灯笼等等..... 当天还有几位的弟兄姐妹朗诵诗歌、宋辞唐诗...多么地喜乐.... 感谢上帝!!
On 6th September 2006, 8pm, more than 80 brothers and sisters came to Methodist Seniors Home to celebrate mid autumn festival together. We sang and praised the Lord plus we also had fun together. Whether young or old, everyone enjoyed each other's company. We are one Big Family...... We had some refreshments... of course the most popular dish was moon cakes. Our sisters and brothers recite several poems before we bid good night to each other.... Thank God for a wonderful night!
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Posted by
Matthew Lim
Thursday, October 12, 2006
感谢神的带领, 芙蓉堂乐龄团契已成立四年了。在这四年里,乐龄团契举办了许多的活动,如:旅游、健康讲座、爱宴等等。
We thank God that the Methodist Seniors Fellowship have been established for 4 years. Over the past four years, the MSF have organised activities such as trips, health talks and dinners for the senior citizens in our church. To commemorate the 4th anniversary, a Thanksgiving Dinner was held on 16/09/2006 at Min Kok Restaurant. Praise God for the many brothers and sisters who came together to celebrate the occasion. Halleluyah, may God continue to bless the seniors ministry.
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Posted by
Matthew Lim
Friday, October 06, 2006
30/9/06,我们教会超过100人(小孩,少年人,成年人,老年人等) 参加与森华堂所举办的中秋灯笼游行。这次灯笼游行 共有106个团体参与,当天约有3700人参 加游行。
Another event participated by our Church was the Lantern Parade on 30/09/2006. More than 100 members of our church, comprising of young and old, joined the Lantern Parade to be a part of the Chinese community in celebrating Mid Autumn Festival. Around 3,700 people from several societies in Seremban took part in the parade.
It was a great night. We walk the streets of Seremban with our lanterns. We were not only serving Lord, we were also serving the community. This is one of our purpose as a Purpose Driven Church - Social Concern.
Everyone enjoyed the night together.
Praise the Lord!
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Sunday, October 01, 2006