中秋晚会 Mid Autumn Festival

6/10/2006晚上8时正,大约有80位的弟兄姐妹聚集憩苑一起赏月、唱歌赞美神、练习赞美操、一起玩耍、一起吃月饼、和一起提灯笼等等..... 当天还有几位的弟兄姐妹朗诵诗歌、宋辞唐诗...多么地喜乐.... 感谢上帝!!

On 6th September 2006, 8pm, more than 80 brothers and sisters came to Methodist Seniors Home to celebrate mid autumn festival together. We sang and praised the Lord plus we also had fun together. Whether young or old, everyone enjoyed each other's company. We are one Big Family...... We had some refreshments... of course the most popular dish was moon cakes. Our sisters and brothers recite several poems before we bid good night to each other.... Thank God for a wonderful night!

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乐龄团契四周年爱宴 MSF 4th Anniversary

感谢神的带领, 芙蓉堂乐龄团契已成立四年了。在这四年里,乐龄团契举办了许多的活动,如:旅游、健康讲座、爱宴等等。

We thank God that the Methodist Seniors Fellowship have been established for 4 years. Over the past four years, the MSF have organised activities such as trips, health talks and dinners for the senior citizens in our church. To commemorate the 4th anniversary, a Thanksgiving Dinner was held on 16/09/2006 at Min Kok Restaurant. Praise God for the many brothers and sisters who came together to celebrate the occasion. Halleluyah, may God continue to bless the seniors ministry.

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灯笼游行 Lantern Parade

30/9/06,我们教会超过100人(小孩,少年人,成年人,老年人等) 参加与森华堂所举办的中秋灯笼游行。这次灯笼游行 共有106个团体参与,当天约有3700人参 加游行。



Another event participated by our Church was the Lantern Parade on 30/09/2006. More than 100 members of our church, comprising of young and old, joined the Lantern Parade to be a part of the Chinese community in celebrating Mid Autumn Festival. Around 3,700 people from several societies in Seremban took part in the parade.

It was a great night. We walk the streets of Seremban with our lanterns. We were not only serving Lord, we were also serving the community. This is one of our purpose as a Purpose Driven Church - Social Concern.

Everyone enjoyed the night together.

Praise the Lord!

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预告 Coming Events


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MYIF = Methodist Youth Intermediate Fellowship 青少年团契
MYAF = Methodist Young Adult Fellowship 青成团契
MAF = Methodist Adult Fellowship 成年团契
MW = Methodist Women 卫理妇女
MSF = Methodist Seniors Fellowship 乐龄团契
MSH = Methodist Seniors Home 憩苑 (老人院)

我们的教会 Our Church Building


1921年, 我们的教会被建立在 Jalan Lintang 。由于会友增加,1960年,在教堂右侧增建了2层楼副堂。现今,我们的教会每主日有 2堂主日崇拜周日下午1时,周日傍晚7时)。此外,我们的教会属下有4间布道所-芭蕾卫理荣耀布道所(主日崇拜:周日早上9时),晏斗卫理布道所(主日崇拜:周六早上9时30分),船头卫理美会布道所(主日崇拜:周六早上11时30分)和达城以勒卫理公会(主日崇拜:周六傍晚6时)

Our church building in Jalan Lintang was constructed in 1921. Due to the increasing number of worshipers, a 2-storey extension was added to the right side of the building in 1960. Today we have 2 worship services in this building on every Sunday - at 1p.m. and 7 p.m. We also have 4 additional worship services at our outreach points in Paroi (Sunday 9:00 a.m.), Rantau (Saturday 9:30 a.m.), Pengkalan Kempas (Saturday 11:30 a.mand Bandar Sri Sendayan (Saturday 6.00 p.m).


Map of church location, church office, library and training centre, Methodist Youth Centre and Methodist Seniors Home (please click here for an alternate map to our church in Jalan Lintang)

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晏斗卫理布道所 Rantau Chapel
Rumah Methodist Rantau,
141, Taman Pasir Mas,
71200 Rantau, N.S. Malaysia

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船头卫理美会布道所 Pengkalan Kempas Chapel
Gereja Methodist Pengkalan Kempas
Lot 2186, Pengkalan Kempas,
71150 Port Dickson, N.S. Malaysia

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芭蕾卫理荣耀布道所 Paroi Chapel
Rumah Methodist Paroi
200, Kampung Baru Paroi,
70400 Paroi, N.S. Malaysia

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达城以勒卫理公会 Sri Sendayan Chapel
Gereja Methodist Cina Bandar Sri Sendayan
234, Jalan PDS 3/4,
Sendayan Merchant Square,
71950 Seremban, N.S. Malaysia


芙蓉异象也可说是本地福音运动。主题为“一生最美的祝福”。这活动我们进行一星期(21/08/2006 - 27/08/2006)。在芙蓉异象之前,我们有个布道的训练来教导弟兄姐妹如何传福音。在异象周,我们分成几组然后去芙蓉不同的地方派发福音传单。我们不但派发传单,家庭聚会。在异象周最后一天也就是星期六晚上,我们教会举行了--福音聚会。当天我们请了得胜之家来负责。他们带领敬拜赞美,见证分享,话剧等等。。。当天也有很多新来的朋友。感谢主。。

Vision: Seremban, which ran from 21st to 27th August 2006, is a local evangelical activity. The theme for this year is "Life's most beautiful blessing". We had many activities on this week to spread the gospel in our town of Seremban. We had training on personal evangelism. We were divided into several groups which are then sent to different places all over Seremban to distribute Gospel leaflets and invitations to our Evangelistic Meeting and Gospel Tea Fellowship. On Saturday night, we had an evangelistic meeting in church where we invited members from the House of Victory Drug Rehabilitation Center to lead in Praise and Worship, sing songs, share their testimonies and perform a sketch. On Sunday we invited our friends to a special Gospel Tea Fellowship followed by Sunday Worship where Rev. Chu preached a Gospel sermon.

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各肢体周年纪念 Fellowship Day 2006

2006年8月31日是我国的国庆日也是我们教会各肢体的周年纪。当天有很多的弟兄姐妹一早就到了培华小学( 8.30am)--也就是我们集会的地点。当天有很多精彩的节目。开始时,我们大家都肃立,一起唱国歌。过后,由少年人带领敬拜赞美。接下来..由4位不同的弟兄姐妹带领游戏。。游戏分成5组,大家都玩地很开心。最特别的是--当天有魔术表演,是由我们教会的一位弟兄演出的。时间过的真快,转眼间已12pm了。我们吃完午餐后便高高兴兴地回家了。

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2006年南中教区少年团契 South Central District MIF

今年的团契日在马口堂举行,我们堂会有大约30人参与。。也是最佳出席奖。团契日当天有很多的节目如:诗歌赞美 、游戏 、主题 、问答比赛 、选举等等。当天的选举选出2007年南中教区少年团契的委员,感谢主。。我们堂会的姐妹---凯玲姐妹被选为文书,同时她也是刚刚被选为年会少年团契的文书。感谢主!!愿神好好使用她,祝福她。。。

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我们都是一家人 We're One Family


Seremban CMC ... over 105 years of history ... a family with more than 900 members...

We have various activities and ministries to cater for the needs of the different members of our family ...



Sunday School is necessary and essential for the spiritual growth of young believers. Bible lessons are presented systematically so as to lay a strong foundation for them in the Word of God. To facilitate teaching, classes are conducted based on age. Other than Bible lessons, Sunday School also organizes activities such as joint fellowship, Bible story competiton, Bible knowledge competiton, birthday party, drama, etc. There are two categories for the Sunday School classes; namely the kindergarten Classes and the Youth Classes. On every Sunday, the classes start at 1:00 pm



MYIF is set up especially for the secondary school students. Our fellowship activities are lively and cheerful. With the guidance from the teachers, the teenagers can build a strong foundation in their belief. Through different types of activities and traning in our fellowship, the teenagers are prepared to serve the Lord. Our gathering time is 2:30pm on Saturday.



In order to upgrade and grow in their Christian life, the youth need to participate through fellowship and activities. The attractive programmes in MYAF will let you enjoy a cheerful life in fellowship and prepare yourself to become an outstanding person of the 21st century. Our gathering time is on 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month at 8:00pm.



The main purpose of setting up the MAF is to fulfill the needs of fellowship for the working or married ex-MYAF members. Besides the pursuit of spiritual growth, our fellowship also emphasizes social concern work and enrichment of knowledge. Our monthly programmes include group discussion on problems relating to our religious belief and theme talks on medical issues, law, nutrition and counselling on further study. Leisure activities such as cooking, handicraft and art demonstrations are also organized for the members. Apart from this, our fellowship has groups responsible for visitations to the hospitals and Old Folks' Homes. We meet on the 4th Saturday of every month at 8:00 p.m.



Methodist Seniors Fellowship is an organization for the senior citizens. Meeting time is 8:00pm on the third Saturday of the month. It organizes activities beneficial to the senior members' physical, mental and spiritual well being . Activities such as sightseeing , health talks and dinners are organized... living up to the MSF's theme song "Even though my body and my heart are gradually weakened, but God is my everlasting inner strength and blessing"



Methodist Women is an organisation for the ladies. Meeting time is 8:00pm on first Thursday of the month. Among their main activities are Bible study, sharing, witnessing and praying for others. Other monthly programmes include outdoor activities or fellowship in a member's home on a rotational basis.



Every Thursday : 8:00pm. During prayer meetings, Believers gather together to praise the Lord by singing hymns, study the Bible and pray for one another to receive comfort and strength.



The main objectives for setting up the Methodist Seniors Home are to provide the senior citizens with an environment conducive for community living; and at the same time, caring for their health and quality of life. This is part of the Church community service efforts. The Home emphasizes quality of life, room for learning and growth, and building of relationship. Financially it relies on voluntary donations and subsidies from Church for its running expenses. Here is more information on the Methodist Seniors Home.


Welcome..... 欢迎。。。这是芙蓉堂最新的网站。。。感谢神。。。。哈利路亚!!!

Welcome to the new website for Seremban Chinese Methodist Church ! ! !