Seremban CMC ... over 105 years of history ... a family with more than 900 members...
We have various activities and ministries to cater for the needs of the different members of our family ...
主日学是年幼信徒灵性成长的需要环节,它为信徒提供系统性的圣经课程,使他们能在上帝的话语上扎根。主日学是以班级按年龄分班的教学方式进行。除了开办课程,主日学也举办各种活动,如联合聚会,圣经故事比赛,圣经常识比赛,生日会,戏剧等。主日学的班级计有:幼稚级及少年级。上课时间为主日下午一时正。Sunday School is necessary and essential for the spiritual growth of young believers. Bible lessons are presented systematically so as to lay a strong foundation for them in the Word of God. To facilitate teaching, classes are conducted based on age. Other than Bible lessons, Sunday School also organizes activities such as joint fellowship, Bible story competiton, Bible knowledge competiton, birthday party, drama, etc. There are two categories for the Sunday School classes; namely the kindergarten Classes and the Youth Classes. On every Sunday, the classes start at 1:00 pm
特为中学生及高中生而设的团契,活动内容活泼有趣。在导师的指导下,少年人能在信仰上扎下稳固的根基。团契也透过各种活动和训练,装备少年人参与教会的事奉。活动时间为每星期六下午二时三十分。MYIF is set up especially for the secondary school students. Our fellowship activities are lively and cheerful. With the guidance from the teachers, the teenagers can build a strong foundation in their belief. Through different types of activities and traning in our fellowship, the teenagers are prepared to serve the Lord. Our gathering time is 2:30pm on Saturday.
透过团契及藉著有益身心的活动,来提升年轻人迈向基督化生活。节目多姿多彩的青成团契让你享受乐趣无穷团契生活也装备你成为21世纪的优秀青年。聚会时间为每个月第二个及第四个星期六晚上八时正。In order to upgrade and grow in their Christian life, the youth need to participate through fellowship and activities. The attractive programmes in MYAF will let you enjoy a cheerful life in fellowship and prepare yourself to become an outstanding person of the 21st century. Our gathering time is on 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month at 8:00pm.
主要是为一班已离开青成团契的成年,已立业或成家的弟兄姐妹而设。本团契不但注重属灵的追求,亦注重社会知识的充实与社会关怀工作。每个月的聚会包括分组讨论信仰难题;专题讲座如医药,法律,营养,升学辅导;悠闲嗜好如烹饪,手工艺示等。除此之外,本团契亦有小组负责探访医院及老人院。聚会时间为每月的第四个星期六晚上八时正。 The main purpose of setting up the MAF is to fulfill the needs of fellowship for the working or married ex-MYAF members. Besides the pursuit of spiritual growth, our fellowship also emphasizes social concern work and enrichment of knowledge. Our monthly programmes include group discussion on problems relating to our religious belief and theme talks on medical issues, law, nutrition and counselling on further study. Leisure activities such as cooking, handicraft and art demonstrations are also organized for the members. Apart from this, our fellowship has groups responsible for visitations to the hospitals and Old Folks' Homes. We meet on the 4th Saturday of every month at 8:00 p.m.
乐龄团契是为年长者而设,每个月第三个星期六晚上八时正聚会。本团契也举办有益身心灵活动,如旅游,健康讲座,爱宴等。如团歌所说:《虽然我的肉体和我的心肠,渐渐地衰退,但是神是我心里的力量,是我的福份直到永远》。Methodist Seniors Fellowship is an organization for the senior citizens. Meeting time is 8:00pm on the third Saturday of the month. It organizes activities beneficial to the senior members' physical, mental and spiritual well being . Activities such as sightseeing , health talks and dinners are organized... living up to the MSF's theme song "Even though my body and my heart are gradually weakened, but God is my everlasting inner strength and blessing"
卫理妇女是为姐妹们而设,每月活动主要是查经,分享,见证和代祷等。聚会时间为每个月第一个星期四晚上八时正。此外,每个月也有一次妇女活动,或户外活动,或轮流在不同家庭聚会。Methodist Women is an organisation for the ladies. Meeting time is 8:00pm on first Thursday of the month. Among their main activities are Bible study, sharing, witnessing and praying for others. Other monthly programmes include outdoor activities or fellowship in a member's home on a rotational basis.
每逢星期四晚上八时正。在这段时间里,信徒聚集以诗歌来赞美上帝,并查考圣经的话语,彼此代祷,互相鼓励。Every Thursday : 8:00pm. During prayer meetings, Believers gather together to praise the Lord by singing hymns, study the Bible and pray for one another to receive comfort and strength.
《为老人提供一个群体生活环境,同时给予生命和生活关怀》,这是本教会开设〖憩苑〗的目的,本教会社区服务活动之一。〖憩苑〗著重生活品质,学习空间与建立关系,经济上以乐捐和补贴方式进行运作。The main objectives for setting up the Methodist Seniors Home are to provide the senior citizens with an environment conducive for community living; and at the same time, caring for their health and quality of life. This is part of the Church community service efforts. The Home emphasizes quality of life, room for learning and growth, and building of relationship. Financially it relies on voluntary donations and subsidies from Church for its running expenses. Here is more information on the Methodist Seniors Home.
The pictures of MYAF bring back so many memory with familiar faces. Quite sometimes didn't see them! Pictures does good job.
How come I not there! emm!
I am looking forward to joining the Youth Adult Fellowship. Can we have more sharing on this fellowship? The info provided is very limited. I came to join the meeting during Jan, but the church was closed and no further notice was placed there on the change of time and venue. Appreciate more information and sharing on the activity organise by this fellowhip.
Sister Chan
Patient it will be! MYAF activities still going strong. I believe MYAF leader will be contacting you soon.
Enjoy your stay here!
May God Bless You.
I am sorry for your inconvenient and thank you for reminded us for puting up futher notice. The activities for this year plainning we have aready planned and aready place into web.
Hope to see that u can join us.
Hi Sister Chan,
Thank you very much for your valuable comment. I am sorry for the lack of information on MYAF activities.
Eddie is the president of MYAF and after discussing with him, we have made the following changes:
- Future MYAF activities will be published in the church bulletin 1-2 weeks in advance. You can get the church bulletin during Sunday Service.
- You can also check for upcoming MYAF activities in our church calendar at
- If you need more information, you can email or
Wow! Glad to see some of u here!
Feel warm to see the MYAF camp's photo here because full of memory...
Anywhere, may God bless all the brother and sister in MYAF!
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