为失联MH370代祷 Pray For MH370




1.     马来西亚和国际的搜索及救援队,并相关的重要机构,在上帝的面前谦卑依靠祂的能力,寻求祂的智慧,尽其能力早日寻获失联的马航MH370客机和其内的239名乘客及机组人员。

2.     任何掌握有利於寻找失联客机资讯的人,都能以救人性命为首要考量,挺身协助搜索救援。

3.     马来西亚政府和所有相关的部门,能明确及迅速地提供所需的资讯及援助,以便早日寻获失踪客机,并找出客机神秘失踪的原因。

4.     马来西亚政府/各相关部门和国际救援队相关部门合作良好,相互信任,保持准确及透明的交流,同时明确地向大众公布最新消息。

5.     马来西亚政府优先考量人民的安全,立即探讨纠正出入境安检系统并飞机维修程序。

6.     愿失踪者的家属和朋友在这低谷时期认识上主并仰望祂,让上主的平安与他们同在。

7.     所有的报道媒体遵守职业道德操守,据实报导并为所报导的消息负责任。

8.     当我们面临各种环境及生命的挑战与灾难时,上帝的教会能苏醒、谦卑回转仰赖圣灵,积极儆醒祷告。

Methodist Prayer Network, Malaysia

MH 370 - Kindly pray for the following :

1. Malaysian and international search and rescue teams & authorities while exercising every effort in their mission, will humble themselves to depend on God & His wisdom to help them locate the missing flight MH370 & the 239 people on board.

2. All parties who may have info that could help locate the missing plane will prioritize human lives above all and provide the needed info promptly to help in search and rescue operations.

3. Malaysian government and all related departments will be forthright and prompt in providing necessary info so that the missing plane can be located asap and the real cause of the mysterious disappearance of the plane be discovered soon.

4. Malaysian government/the different departments and the international counterparts will have good collaboration and trust, maintain accurate and transparent communication and also provide accurate info and updates to the general public.

5. Malaysian government will prioritize the safety of her citizens and look into rectifying any immigration security and airplane maintenance procedure immediately.

6. The families affected by this incident will have His peace and know the Lord as they go through this difficult season.

7. The media will be responsible in their reporting and those on social media will be responsible in their postings.

8. As we face various challenges & disasters - of environment and life, God’s Church will be awaken to watch & pray like never before, and return to humble prayerful dependence on the Holy Spirit.