

芙蓉基督教卫理工会开设了一间图书馆和一个培训中心,坐落芙蓉卫理 公会办事处。

Chinese Methodist Church Seremban has set up a library cum training center, located in CMCS administration office.

图书馆拥有至少200种不同的书籍,证道CD, 福 音 性 质VCD和 DVD 等 等。有兴趣可以前往去注册为会员。 办 公 时 间 为 借 阅 时 间, 不 论 借 阅 书 籍、CD、VCD 和 DVD, 皆 免 费。

The library – Wisdom Garden, has at least 200 books, cds, vcds and dvds of different categories. All materials are free of charge for registered member.


The training center is on the first floor. Spacious, comfortable, air-conditioned, and completed with simple sound system, this training center can also be used for meeting and assembly.