

2007年3月31日晚上八时正,我们举办联 合纪念先人礼拜。开始时,由圣诗团开始带领会众唱诗。之后,会众一起默哀,然后江三才弟兄带领祷告。牧师以《往生》做为证道题目。之后,家属代表插花纪念先人和张金祥弟兄带领为 纪 念 先人 之 家 属祷告。牧师祝福后,有茶点招待弟兄姐妹。

On the 31st March 2007, at 8p.m., Seremban Chinese Methodist Church held a combine memorial service. The service began with praise and worship led by the church choir, followed by a silent tribute, then Bro. Kong Sam Choi led us in prayer. Rev.Chu shared with us a sermon titled “Reborn In Paradise”. After the sermon, representatives from families presented flowers in memorial of their ancestors. Refreshment was served after the benediction.

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