主日学恳亲会 Sunday School Christmas Concert


25/12/2006 是主日学学校的恳亲会也是圣诞之夜。当天晚上许多的家长及学生出席。当晚,主日学学校学生呈献许多的节目,如:唱歌,舞蹈,朗诵,背经句等等。主日学学校也邀请姐妹会来呈献舞蹈及请青少年团契和诗班来献诗。

25th December 2006 was Christmas night, it was also the Graduation Night for the Sunday School children. Many attended this event. The Sunday School children presented songs, dances, recited scriptures and many other performances. The Sunday School had also invited the Women Fellowship, Junior Youth Fellowship and the Church Choir to perform dance and songs.

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